jueves, 1 de marzo de 2012

Monday 27th February

Hello, I am Adriana Guillén and I will describe the class of the last monday 27th of February 2012.

We learnt to make expositions. The teacher told us how we must present in public a work, that says, how do an exposition. She explained how use the powerpoint for an oral explanation because next Friday, some class members will explain to the rest a particular topic and she wants that we learnt how do it.

I think that main ideas that she wanted transmit us were:

a) Technological aids like for example the power point should be a support for the transmitter but it shoud not handle the exposition.

b) The powerpoint must have a principal idea. For the next work she asked us to express one idea for slide.

c) The powerpoint musn`t contain much information, is important that it have a simple concepts.

d) Must have a relationship between the message spoken by transmitter and slide of powerpoint. In this way, the issuer will achieve his receptors to pay attention to his explanation.

e) The exposition must be concrete and simple, but no simplistic. A good students will know the difference between simple and simplistic and he may explain the basic concept of each slide in a simple way.

To conclude, we have learnt that one exhibitor must study deeply his item if he wants that the public understand him. Moreover, he must think that the public don’t know nothing about that study he will expose. For this reason, he will explain the principal ideas.

See you!!

Adriana Guillén Martínez

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