Anlaysis about TPCK exposition
We are going to explain our point of view about the the TPCK poster and star's skills speed dating from different groups:
Group 1.- The group's start presented a good poster with a clear exposition. However, we think that she needed more self- confident in order to make a atractive presentation.
Group 2.- The second group is one of our favorites. The start of this group had a clear and schematic diagram, also, he explained notions in a suitable way and we could learnt quickly the concepts which he wants to transmit us.
Group 3.- The third group had a good beginning. She was very sure of herself and she explained very well the information. Nevertheless, as a bad point we could said the poster contained too information.
Group 6:
The star of this group explained very well and we could learn the principal concepts that she has explained. Hovewer I think that her poster was very simplified.
.Group 7.- Finally, group number seven had a beginning which was very keen, the star wanted to do an enjoyable explanation including all the main concepts. One bad point was the poster had also too information.
See you! By: Adriana Guillén Martínez; Group's Analyst and Broken Dreams Group.
Don't forgett to include ALSO the analysis of the group work n the whole week